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Poltergeists, Demons, and Bogarts, Oh My!

Let's talk about some common entities!

First of all, what is an entity?

An entity is defined as a sentient or non sentient energy. Sentience implies a level of consciousness and the ability to make energy exchanges. Non sentient entities cannot exchange energy, and pretty much like jellyfish. They do things, but there’s no consciousness as to why they do what they do.

Today, we will discuss negative entities, what they are, and how to get rid of them.

Demons Aren’t Bad!

Demons are sentient entities, which means they exchange energy. Demons can be summoned to perform an energy exchange for a specific working. Demons can also attach themselves to one’s aura without explicit consent. However, there must be either implied or explicit consent.

Explicit consent occurs when one summons a demon. In order for a demon to aid in a magickal working, an energy exchange must occur. Often, a question we are are asked is why anyone would summon a demon in the first place. The best answer is to talk about the historical context of demons.

Demons and angels exist in every major religion. Though, their purposes and abilities vary across them, demons all fall into the category of sentient energies. Their history is also similar across many cultures. Most commonly, the belief is that demons were higher spiritual beings. In the Christian context, we refer to those higher sentient beings as angels. Angels, though they may not be called angels in other religions, are essentially purely spiritual beings that only have access to the terrestrial realm through the exchange of personal energy with a physical object or living thing.

In the case of “angels”, their access to the terrestrial realm is limited to connecting with the personal energy of an object or living thing. Demons however, are essentially angels that spent too much time connected to the terrestrial realm. For example, the energy of protection, often referred to as Archangel Michael, the great protector, has to be summoned. This energy is universal energy, but is not omnipresent as we normally consider universal energy to be. That’s why you find Catholics, channeling Archangel Michael (praying to), in times of need, because that protective energy they require at a specific time is not always present.

As for demons, we typically understand them to have a corrupted universal energy while maintaining their higher spiritual properties. Demons, like “angels”, are classified into two categories: major and minor. Archangels are the major higher spiritual energies, whereas angels such as cherubim are considered minor spiritual energies. The same is true for the lower spiritual realm of demons. In Hindu, these spiritual energies are said to have descended for long term energy exchanges with the terrestrial realm, as with Christianity. The common lore across major religions with how demons became corrupted, is they somehow ended up taking in too much terrestrial energy. The exact “how” is debated across religions, but the premise is the same. In Christianity, they call this “the fall.” Lucifer is considered to have been an archangel prior to its permanent intake of terrestrial energy. Lucifer’s energy has to do with intellect and imagination. So, prior to his fall, people could call him to them and essentially trade their personal energy for that trait of intellect and imagination for a period of time.

Now, however, because that energy is corrupted, when that energy exchange occurs it negatively affects a person’s aura. This is because of how the process of energy exchange works between entities and terrestrial energies. Everything has an aura. Yes, even the spoon you use to eat your cereal. However, the likelihood of a demon exchanging energy with a spoon is slim to none as the energy is generally too neutral to attract them. Unless a person has a specific negative association with an object that they pour negative personal energy into unwittingly, it is unlikely to attract any negative entity.

In an energy exchange with a spiritual entity, the aura of the person or object is tethered to that of the entity’s. As a visual example, think about when you have half a glass of water and poor oil in the remaining half. When it settles, there will be a line between the oil and the water where the two co-exist. Similarly, when a demon is in “possession” of an aura, that mixing space exists between the demon’s aura and the person’s aura.

An explicit exchange with a demon occurs when a person specifically summons a demon for its traits. There is a safer way to exchange with a demon than to just let it feed directly from one’s aura. To do this, one can create a personal shield and tether their aura to it. This creates a buffer for the exchange of personal energy and the traits from the demon. The issue with demon possession, and mainly why we call it “possession” is when the higher energy is exchanged, its corrupted lower energy is also exchanged with one’s personal energy. By creating a personal shield one is able to pull the energy he or she wants from the shield thereby leaving the corrupted lower vibrating energy behind.

However, in an implicit exchange, a demon is merely attracted to a person or object that has a similar vibration and will attach itself to that object or person’s aura thereby possessing the person or object. Typically, this is where we find mental illnesses with no physical cause, because the exchange occurs without the personal shield so the lower vibrating energy of the demon is feeding into that space between the water and oil, essentially.

On the brightside, getting rid of a demon is very simple and just requires intention and little bit of energy manipulation. Once one has identified the possession, he or she simply needs to use basic energy practices to cut off the exchange. In our visual example, one would simply remove the oil. Similarly, one need only push the demon away and sever the connection. That’s it. No more demon possession.

Working with demons and angels alike can add lots to your practice. These entities can be used for pulling very specific energies over elemental energies, which are more generalized and less specific.

A List of Major Demons and Their Traits:

Abbadon: healing sexual relationships and resolving sexual tension

Abalam: promotes lust and grants desires

Abigor: foretells the future and provides aid in physical conflicts

Abyzou: child of the demon Lilith who can initiate infertility and miscarriages

Adramelech: advises and aids in political matters

Aeshma: aids in quelling wrath, rage, and fury

Aim/Haborym: setting things on fire

Ala: refers to a group of Salvic demons who produce wealth and saves the wealthy in times of trouble

Amaymon: a prince of Hell who aids in removing toxicity

Ammut: fights against the impure

Andromalius: punishes thieves and wicked people who engage in dishonest dealings

Amon: resolving conflicts with friends

Bael/Baal: makes people “invisible” and encourages wisdom

Balam: gives “perfect” answers to questions about the past, present, and future

Barbas: answers with the truth on hidden or secret matters, causes and heals diseases, teaches mechanical arts, and changes people.

Barbatos: aids in understanding animals

Beelzebub: heals people and is considered to be the King of the Witches

Bifrons: teaches science and art, the virtues of gems, herbs, and woods

Caim/Camio: aids in understanding the element of water as well as creatures such as birds and dogs

Cimejes/Kimaris/Cimieies: locates lost treasures, aids in logical reasoning, gives warrior energy

Crocell: teaches geometry and liberal sciences, but is most associated with the element water, which he uses to teach cleansing

Dantalion: forces a person to declare their deepest darkest secrets and can cause another person to love another

Demogorgon: the lord of the fairies and genii

Empusa: a class of major demons under the goddess Hecate who guard roads and devour travelers

Foras: bestows longevity and recovers lost things

Forneus: aids in learning languages and to make a person liked by those they come into contact with

Furfur: teaches secrets of the divine energy

Gaap: causes love or hate using the element of water, and is king of the water elementals and demons

Gremory: procures the love of women

Gusion: shows the meaning of questions asked to him, reconciles friendships, and gives honor and dignity to the summoner

Haures: can destroy the conjurer’s enemies through fire, including other demons

Kokb’ael: teaches astrology and commands an army of spirits which a caster can invoke

Lady Midday: causes heatstroke, neck aches, and madness

Lilith: lends feminist energy

Lucifer: gaining intellect and imagination

Malphas: can destroy an enemy’s desires or thoughts and provides good familiars

Marbus: answers truly or hidden secret things and causes and heals diseases

Marchoisias: aids in conjuring

Mastema: persecutes evil and carries out divine punishment

Merihem: causes pestilences

Murmur: can force the souls of the dead to appear to answer any desired questions

Naberius: encourages cunning behavior and restores lost dignities and honors

Orias: teaches the virtues of the zodiac, gives dignities, prelacies, and the favor of friends and foes

Orobas: answers questions related to the creation of the realms

Ose: brings insanity to whomever the conjurer wishes

Paimon: reveals the mysteries of the elements, and can bind men to the conjurer’s will

Pazuzu: generates storms and droughts

Phenex: will do the bidding of the conjurer within in his power. (he appears as a phoenix, but if you conjure him you must ask him to assume his human form, because his song corrupts the soul)

Pithius: commands lies and liars

Pruflas: causes men to quarrel and sows discord between them, but will always be truthful

Scox: takes away the sight, hearing, and understanding of any person at the conjurer’s request and steals money

Seir: brings abundance and is indifferent to evilness

Sitri: reveals the secrets of women and induces love between men and women

Stolas: teaches about the properties of poisonous plants

Uvall: causes friendships

Valac: reveals serpents (figuratively and literally) and delivers them to the conjurer

Valefar: tempts people to steal and boosts the success of thieves

Vine: figuratively and literally brings down walls

Xaphan: aids in invention

Xezbeth: reveals the mysteries of lies and legends

Zagan: aids in wisdom

*not an exhaustive list*

Types of Minor Demons:

Ala: a Slavic class of demons who generate bad weather, provides wealth and protection

Amy: procures familiars upon request

Asakku: kills humans via head fevers and madness

Daeva: promote chaos and disorder

Drekavac: Slavic demons created from the lost souls of unbaptized children

Familiars: a minor class of demons whose purpose is to serve young witches by providing protection

Gaki: a type of being that is the result of an person’s insatiable hunger as a result of bad deeds

Gello: a class of child-snatching demons who cause infertility

Ifrit: related to the Jinn and known for providing strength and cunning to the conjurer

Imp: small unattractive creatures that cause mischief

Incubus: a male sex demon

Jinn: can be good, evil, or neutral and grant desires

Lamia: descended from a Queen of Libya who ate babies in life that seduce young men and feed on their blood

Leyak: a class of demons requiring babies blood to perform black magick workings

Lili: children of Lilith who cause barrenness, miscarriages, and child birth complications

Merihem: causes pestilences

Rakshasa: Far Eastern class of demons who disturb rituals and are known for possessing humans

Surgat: opens locks

Ukobach: a fire demon that specializes in festival celebrations including fireworks and fried foods

*not exhaustive*

NOTE: Working with minor demons is not recommended as they have very little spiritual benefits and many consequences to the caster such as illness and death.



As explained above, these entities do not have a consciousness. Non sentient energies are personified to help us understand them. Essentially all a bogart is, is a remnant of negative personal energy that attaches to an object or space. Thus, a bogart can “haunt” a whole home, a room, or an object. This negative personal energy can come from the residents, another person, or the remaining negative personal energy of a person who has passed on.

Bogarts serve no benefit, so it is important to rid them from your home. Bogarts affect more than one person at a time, as opposed to their poltergeist counterparts, who only affect one aura at a time. When a home, room, area, or object is haunted by a bogart, negative energy continues to be produced by that area or object.

Some bogarts are harder to get rid of than others. The difficulty of getting rid of a bogart is dependent on if there is a continual source of personal energy being imbued into the object or if it was just a one time thing. For example, one may associate an old wedding ring with bad memories and unintentionally imbue it with that negative personal energy. This produces negative energy on its own, which a simple cleanse can fix. However, simply imbuing an object with negative personal energy does not guarantee that a bogart will haunt that object. The energy that is a bogart’s energy is a similar type of lingering personal energy, but operates at a stronger lower vibration. As such when a person dies, regardless of “unfinished business”, they leave non sentient personal energy behind. So, all of their traumas and associations remain as personal energy when they die.

Bogarts are that remaining personal energy that still lingers. When a person imbues an object with negative personal energy bogarts with a similarly associated energy will be attracted to that object. When that bogart energy interacts with the aura of the object with that person’s personal energy transforms. Think of it as similar to the law of attraction: whatever you produce you will receive. The same applies to objects.

Luckily, bogarts are fairly easy to get rid of. The simplest way to get rid of one is to simply remove the object from the home. However, sometimes we are attached to such objects and do not want to get rid of them. In such a case, a cleansing and re-association schedule may be in order. This is essentially just removing the negative using your preferred cleansing method and then retraining your brain to associate the object positively thereby producing positive energy into the objected.

Sometimes, bogarts will haunt whole rooms, and in rare cases whole homes. The concept of how they were attracted to the haunt is the same as objects: law of attraction. For example, perhaps you associate a room with a particularly bad memory, all of the auras of all the objects in the room will essentially have an open channel to that negative personal energy every time you think of that particularly nasty memory. Simply, moving around the furniture of an area will break up the stagnant energy of the bogart and then focus your cleansing on peeling away the negative energy of the room. Occasionally, moving the furniture won’t be enough to disrupt the energy, so performing a sound cleanse may be necessary.

All in all, its a better sign if other people are hearing and seeing things that you have also experienced, because this usually is implicative of a bogart or fae.


Poltergeists are very similar to bogarts in that they are non sentient energy remains. The main difference is that they blend with person’s aura, not an object. The law of attraction applies. Many people confuse poltergeists and demons. Demons are sentient energies. Poltergeists are not.

The issue with poltergeist possession is instead of existing outside of your aura as like with a demon, the poltergeist invades your aura and lowers your vibration. This gets a little messy as far as getting rid of those invading energies goes. The reason this energy gets into the aura, is because when we produce personal energy we open a channel to other energies. This automatic processes is how we are able to transform and manipulate energy.

Poltergeist danger can be avoided by cleansing before a spell. Kind in mind, however, when performing a negative energy working it is uncommon to cleanse, therefore baneful magick has a higher risk as far as poltergeists go.

To get rid of a poltergeist is very difficult and taxing. As we explained above, demon possession is like mixing oil and water and then removing the oil from the water. However, poltergeist possession is like trying to make freshwater from saltwater. Essentially, your aura acts as freshwater. Poltergeists act as salt in our water: it dissolves into it, but is not impossible to remove.

In the mundane, we can remove salt from saltwater, but allowing the water to evaporate, or by allowing the salt to settle and scoping it out whislt replacing the water with more freshwater as it evaporates. Similarly, one who a has a poltergeist energy possessing a part or parts of their aura must allow the energy to settle by meditating, remove the energy that isn’t theirs that they can identify, and then replace the removed energy with positive energy through a spell to raise the opposite positive energy of the removed negative energy.

It sounds simple enough, but this process can take days or even months depending on the severity of the possession. Repeat steps one through three as necessary.

As far as step one goes, the meditation should be designed to help you identify intrusive thoughts and follow them to their source. These thoughts will essentially sound like something that doesn’t sound like something you would say. That can help narrow down thoughts from your own negative energy vs the non sentient energy possessing your aura.

Step two requires advanced energy manipulation techniques. Essentially, once you’ve located the physical location in your aura of the invading energy, you can begin to peel it away.

Finally, step three just requires you to refill your aura (glass), but you don’t want to refill with negative energy, so cleansing the area and then performing a spell to produce a contrary energy to the removed negative energy will raise your vibration a little more than it was before. For example, an energy that makes you depressed should be replaced by an energy that makes you happy. Thus, a happiness reminder spell is always a good option.

Whatever non-medical situation you find yourself in, poltergeists and bogarts are more common than demons. Identifying what kind of sentient or non sentient energy is affecting you, will help you get rid of it effectively.

We hope you enjoyed learning about this!

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